Ginger Hineline hails from the small town of Wheatland, Wyoming, where as a standout athlete she won three high school state volleyball championships, a State Track Championship and a state Basketball Championship.
Paul has played volleyball for years and continues to play in sand and indoor leagues. He began coaching 7/8 girls volleyball with WOAC in the winter of 2021...
This is Aiden's first season as a coach at OPVC, but he started with us as a player! He went on to play club volleyball at the University of Dayton and served as president his senior year...
After graduating HS, he went to the Ohio State University where he continued playing club volleyball for another 4 years, while serving on the Executive Board for 3 years and serving as President during his final year...
This is Peyton's first season at OPVC! He started coaching at Loveland in 2023 as a Varsity Assistant, then moved into the Head Coaching role for JV in 2024...
Rich attended Miami University where he played club all 4 years for Miami Men's Volleyball, served as the President of the club and played as a Setter and Defensive Specialist...