Girls Summer training teams
5th - 9th grade girls

Fundamental training
Develop your skills!
The focus for our training teams is to develop individual skills and fundamentals along with team concepts. Each session will be designated to working on a specific skill and serving for the first 45 minutes, and finishing with 45 minutes of game play. Game Play will consist of teaching 6-2 or 4-2 offense and a perimeter or rover defense. We will also include some 4 vs 4 game play. All sessions will be maxed out at 16 players per court with one head trainer and one assistant.
Coaches will group participants according to grade and/or skill level the first session. No previous experience is necessary. We welcome beginners, intermediate and advanced players. Our instructional clinics and training teams are designed to accommodate all skill levels. We adjust our instruction based on the skill level of our participants.
Part of OPVC success is its coaching methods and philosophy. We believe in teaching proper technique progressions and high repetitions. We insist on doing each skill repetition the correct way every time. Everyone, regardless of skill level, will start off with core drills that emphasize the basic fundamental skills of volleyball. Each week, we focus on one particular skill set, then build upon it each session.
Our programs are designed to learn the game and/or sharpen a player skills in an enjoyable environment while also instilling a good work ethic into the players. We focus on teaching court movement and proper contact of the ball. For players who were part of prior OPVC training programs/classes, we will build on previous offerings with continued development of skills. Players will gain confidence and will continue to be challenged. We value giving individual instruction based on where players are in the learning process.
All classes/training teams starting in June will be for incoming fall grades.